The Website for SMBs

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Your Most Important Digital Asset

What small and mid-size businesses need to know about Websites

This is the third eBook in a 6-part series of the hottest digital marketing tactics.

  • Section 1: Explains website terminology
  • Section 2: Describes how websites are changing
  • Section 3: Identifies trends to expect regarding websites
  • Section 4: Evaluates the effectiveness of websites and offers tips for successfully implementing a website for your business, products, or services.

Your Most Important Digital Asset

What small and mid-size businesses need to know about Websites

This is the third eBook in a 6-part series that features the 6 hottest digital marketing tactics.

The Website eBook includes 4 sections:

  • Section 1: Explains website terminology
  • Section 2: Describes how websites are changing
  • Section 3: Identifies trends to expect regarding websites
  • Section 4: Evaluates the effectiveness of websites and offers tips for successfully implementing a website for your business, products, or services.

After reading this eBook, you'll be able to:

  • Know what you'll need to build a website
  • Understand how a search engine return page (SERP) is created
  • List reasons that your small business needs a website and how it can help you
  • Identify features that matter the most in 2022 and beyond
  • Describe website characteristics that matter to users and to search engines, such as Google
  • Explain current website trends and how new features, such as artificial intelligence (AI) tools can enhance the personalization and optimization of your website
  • Distinguish zero-click searches and understand how social media algorithms are impacting websites and eCommerce
  • Identify 30+ tips for building a successful, user-friendly website
  • Explore additional website resources

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Nancy Burgess Strategic Marketing


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