Website Design

Don’t just build a website. Build a website that gets relevant traffic. Unlike many agencies, we write content and incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) into every website we design.

Our Website Design Services Achieve Four Goals

 Make your website searchable, i.e., get crawled & indexed by Google & other search engines

Reflect your unique brand

Demonstrate your Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T)

Launch your inaugural site or Refresh a tired, outdated site

If We Design It, They WILL Come

Customized SEO Strategy

We’ll apply our extensive knowledge of SEO and the latest research to ensure your business is on the right digital course.

Keyword Research

Understanding your customer’s language and how they’re searching for your product or service is paramount.

Content & Brand Messaging

We’ll write content that promotes your brand messages AND speaks to your customers.

Branded Design

We’ll develop a look and feel that is uniquely you. Options include custom graphics and photography.

What is the value of a single new client or customer?

What would the value of getting more customers or clients through your website mean to you?

Our Website Design Process

We design websites on the WordPress platform. We also work with power partners who are experts in a variety of areas. These include other types of web design, graphics, photography, writing, and coding.

Some of Our Testimonials

Downtown Agency Quality Without Extravagant Fees

“Nancy helped me to articulate my consultancy’s brand messaging, value and unique identity. She evolved my brand identity with a new, distinctive logo and tagline. My stationery, business cards and templates now reflect my brand value. For my website, she outlined my site architecture, chose imagery, wrote the content, and optimized the site. I now feel proud to showcase my brand and my company’s value to the healthcare marketplace. I obtained “downtown” agency quality without extravagant agency fees.”

Nancy Hedlund, MedNavigate

More Website Views

“Nancy took hold of an OK website and made it more elegant and user friendly. Within a month my hits and views increased. Nancy is always available to talk or meet. She gives a most impressive presentation that analyzes your company and gives steps needed to increase rankings. She is worth every dime I paid. My increase in traffic has paid for her already.”

Dan Podgorny, Kids Kustom Parties

All That and a Bag of Chips!

We ensure that your site not only looks good, but meets these standards.

“Content is king,” Bill Gates said. We agree with Bill and Google: it’s royaly important. But we like to think of content as queen. We’ll write SEO-optimized content for your website.


Although not as critical to search as they used to be, internal and external links help you get found by search engines. We’ll help you set up a site with internal linking strategies.


All the websites we design are responsive design. That means they’ll look great on a desktop, tablet, or phone. They need to. It’s the 21st century, baby!

It’s critical for your local businesses to get found in your area. We’ll make sure your website is on Google’s and Bing’s business pages and other key directories.


Get your web design on! Read our latest in how to grow your website traffic.

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Our Website Design Process…and How We’re Different

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