Creating a Launch Marketing Plan for a B-to-C Company: Case Study
At the end of June, an emerging company tapped Nancy Burgess Strategic Marketing for its small business marketing. The company is My 3D Mini Me. Its goal was to launch in two months.
Creating a Brand Identity: Case Study
In creating a brand identity (logo, tagline, messaging) for a client, we developed a brand that is relevant online and offline. Read the Case Study.
7 Steps to Fix Your Online Reputation
As a business professional, your personal brand matters. Assess, fix, and monitor your online reputation today.
5 Healthcare Marketing Clichés to Avoid
Does your healthcare marketing and branding differentiate you in the marketplace? Here are five tried and trite healthcare marketing clichés to avoid.
How to Get Website Traffic: 10 Tips
There’s no point in having a website if nobody finds it. Here’s how to garner website traffic.
Qualitative Marketing Research Is Sexy
Can the ugly stepsister of marketing be sexy? You betcha! Discovering insights that lead to innovation and saving money are very sexy.